Frequently Asked Questions
What are the features and benefits of an Individual Membership in DAMA-Chicago?
- Membership is for a named person and is non-transferable
- Person has access to all meeting and special interest group content on chapter website
- Member can participate in-person or virtually at quarterly meetings
- Member can register and participate in special interest groups
- Membership must be renewed annually to remain in active member status
Do you offer a membership that can be used by any employee in an organization?
Yes, DAMA-Chicago offers a Corporate Membership with the following features:
- Membership is for named organization and its wholly-subsidiaries
- A named individual is specified at registration as the Primary Contact for the organization’s account
- Memberships can be extended for any number of employees of the organization
- The Primary Contact is responsible for provisioning and deprovisioning sub-accounts of Corporate Membership employees or Partner Chapter members
- All Corporate member individuals must be registered with their work email address
- The DAMA-Chicago Membership VP must be notified if the Primary Contact must be changed
- All Corporate Members can access all meeting and special interest group content on chapter website
- All Corporate Members can participate in-person or virtually at quarterly meetings
- All Corporate Members can register and participate in special interest groups
- Membership must be renewed and paid annually prior to the expiration of the 12-month term for Corporate Member individuals to remain in active member status
Can a student join the DAMA-Chicago Chapter?
Yes, a student who is at least 18 years old and is enrolled full-time in an information technology major at an accredited college or university may register as a member and receive the following benefits:
- Reduced annual fee as long as a full-time enrolled student
- Access to all meeting and special interest group content on chapter website
- Can participate in-person or virtually at quarterly meetings
- Can register and participate in special interest groups
What if I’m undecided about joining and would like to see what DAMA-Chicago offers before I commit?
DAMA-Chicago offers a 3-month free Trial Membership that permits person to
attend one (1) quarterly meeting either in-person or virtually. A Trial Member is
limited from access to website Member Only content and cannot participate in
special interest groups.
If I’m a member of another DAMA chapter, can I join your meetings?
DAMA-Chicago has reciprocal agreements with some DAMA chapters that allow their members access to quarterly meetings only. Contact your chapter’s VP of Membership or President to find out if DAMA-Chicago is a partner chapter. The officer of the DAMA partner chapter is responsible for provisioning access to any of their members desiring to register for a DAMA-Chicago meeting.
What are the responsibilities of a Corporate or Partner Chapter Primary Contact? How are employees/members of my organization provisioned as DAMA-Chicago members?
The Primary Contact will receive all notifications of expiring memberships and is responsible for annual renewal of their account. The Primary Contact is also responsible for provisioning sub-accounts for their employees/members of their organization/chapter.
How do I change my log-in password?
- Click on LOG IN in the upper right-hand corner of the DAMA-Chicago homepage.
- Sign in to your account with your member ID and password
- Navigate to MEMBERS > MY ACCOUNT
- Click on Change Password at the bottom of the Account page
- Enter new password in both fields and click on Update Password
What if I forgot my log-in password?
- Click on Log In found in the upper right corner of the Home Page
- Click on Forgot Password on the log-in window
- A password reset will be sent to the email on record for your account
How do I renew my membership? Will I be notified when my membership is about to expire?
You will receive a notification via email prior to the expiration of your membership subscription. You can easily renew your membership before the expiration date by navigating to the ACCOUNT > SUBSCRIPTIONS tab and clicking the “RENEW” option. An additional 12 months will automatically be added to the end of your current membership term.
If you let your membership expire, you must repurchase it by either clicking on JOIN NOW on the Home Page and re-registering or logging in and navigating to the Account > Subscriptions tab and clicking on the “Subscribe” option to re-register for membership.
What forms of payment are supported?
Credit card payments are accepted via PalPal or you can mail a check to our P.O. Box physical address.
What if I need an invoice for a Corporate Membership?
Contact our Treasurer at the email address found on the OFFICERS page of our
Can I see if I paid my membership?
Yes, select SUBSCRIPTIONS on the left-hand side of your ACCOUNT page.
How long is the membership term? Is the term any different from past years (2023 and earlier)?
The fee provides 12 months of membership from the date of payment (immediate membership activation if paid by credit card or upon our receipt of your check). Prior to August 2023, the membership term was aligned to the current year (if paid by end of July) or the following year (if paid from August to December). The new policy and website capabilities provide a more accurate and fair alignment of membership as the term begins as soon as payment is processed.
Can my organization receive any benefit if they provide a venue to host a quarterly chapter meeting?
Yes, an additional 12 months of membership will be added to your current member account subscription. The subscription term will be manually adjusted by our chapter officer following the date of the hosted meeting.
Can I attend other DAMA chapter meetings?
Our website’s Events page will include all upcoming meetings of partner chapters that have a reciprocal agreement with DAMA-Chicago. Each DAMA chapter may host meetings on a different schedule (e.g., monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly) and have different attendance rules.